Sweaty Palms Easy Remedies

Friday, March 6, 2009

If you think there are no easy way to cure Sweaty Palms think again. Here are some easy ways to cure or minimize palm sweating.

You might be thinking my title is about how to make money online, and i am talking about sweaty palms easy remedies. Well, as i have mentioned in my previous post my topics are all around, things that are helpful to others. This is a Tip and Tricks post, part of my subtitle.

Today we will talk about this nasty disgusting and embarassing sweaty palms, which destroys our social life, and make some tasks hard for us to deal with. Why do i say us? yup, because i am also experiencing this torture. Sweaty Palms,Palmar Hyperhidrosis or Excessive Palms Sweating can affect both life's functionality and socially. Usually begins at childhood and gets more worse in teenager years and so on. Tired of getting embarrassed with your partner in dance, you love one while holding palms with him/her, your fellows when shaking hands with them then try this remedies that do not cost anything and can be found in your house.

Well i have here some some easy remedies to remove or minimize the sweating of our palms. This remedies are homemade or natural and can be found anywhere. This are based on personal advice from people that experienced sweaty palms also.

1. Salt and Alum in Hot or Mild water- Put the Hot Water in a container (where you can put your palms in) and add a generous amount of salt and alum in the water mix it well . Put your palms in the hot water for about 15 minutes or more then dry your palms with a towel. Do this two times a day to lessen sweating.

2. If your palms are just sweating mildly, rub underarm antiperspirant in your palms in a circular motion. But if you will do this make sure you are okay with the antiperspirant's smell in your palms. I suggest try this first alone when you are in your house and observed yourself if it is okay with you. use an aluminum-based antiperspirant rather than deodorant.

3. Boil five tea bags in a quart of water for 10 minutes. When the solution cools, soak your palms for 20 to 30 minutes nightly. Tea contains tannic acid, which is also found in commercial products such as Ivy Dry, Zilactol and Zilactin. Tea bags can also be held in the palm for 10-15 minutes daily to reduce perspiring palms.

4. Medical Alcohols are also effective, rub alcohol in your palms either directly or put it in a cotton. Preferably with 40% solution, it will absorb moisture and lessen hand sweating.

5. Sage tea, drinking this will lessen your problem. Because it has Zinc which minimizes perspiration and body odor. My advice is not to use this in a long term manner for it may interfere with copper absorption.

6. Managing and controlling you stress and anxiety, sometimes sweaty palms occur by just thinking of it that it will sweat. Change the way you think have confident and your sweaty palms will not occur. Because sometimes thinking that it will occur will make it really occur.

Sweaty palms are very frightening to handle but in today's modern technology and methods, i am sure you can see one that will answer your problems. I hope this tips will help you solve what i am also experiencing.

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