Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Friday, March 6, 2009

Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Hyperhidrosis can be found in many different forms and although it can affect any area of the skin the most common types of Hyperhidrosis are: palmar, axillary, facial of pedal Hyperhidrosis.

Finding the cure - medication

Hyperhidrosis can be treated both with medical drugs and through surgery. People suffering from this disease can try topical anti-perspirants, like aluminum chloride or Drysol, oral medicines such as glycoprrolate or Robinol, amitriptyline, even Botox. When used regularly, medical treatment can decrease the problem, cure it for a short period of time but can also have important side effects. This is why its advisable to consult your doctor regarding your drug treatment. The main issue here is that since medical drug treatment require long term dosages and continuous drug treatment, this also leads to side effects. Natural hyperhidrosis treatments are also available (such as herbal anitperspirants or acupuncture) but they are almost ineffective on aggravated excessive sweat cases – you can find out more about this on

Surgery for Hyperhidrosis

Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy is the most common hyperhidrosis surgical procedure. Also known as ETS, this type of surgery is mostly used to treat axillary hyperhidrosis, combating underarm sweat. There are three different ways in which the Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy surgical procedure can be performed:

• ETS, or sympathectomy by clamping, is a procedure in which the nerve activity is interrupted by applying a clamp on them.

• Sympathetic nerve resection is a different procedure, where the nerves are cut in specific areas. This may be effective in some cases, but it is a permanent operation and cannot be reversed.

• Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy by cutting removes the majority of the nerves responsible for excessive sweating, and the effects are permanent.

Tips to combat excessive sweating

1. As a patient of hyperhidrosis you may find your clothing becoming damp and giving off an unpleasant odor. You will probably be spending several hours a day dealing with the excessive sweating -- wiping, re-freshening, showering, bathing, and washing clothes. Repeated washing and use of deodorizing soaps can alleviate the problem but an overuse of these soaps can also cause dermatitis. It would be advisable to choose a cleanser that is 100% soap free.

2. As you may need to change your clothes several times a day, it is advisable to wear loose fitting garments tailored in materials that do not stain easily.

3. Try to keep the folds between the skin, like under the neck, as dry as possible to avoid skin problems.

4. If you suffer from Planter Hyperhidrosis (hyperhidrosis affecting the soles of the feet) you may find that your feet develop an unpleasant smell and are prone to secondary skin infections. You can purchase absorbent shoe insoles, but do replace these frequently. Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes two days in a row.

5. You will also find that your shoes get damaged quite easily. To increase their life span, you should leave them out to dry.

6. Using antiperspirants will give you some relief from the displeasing odors. Antiperspirants come in many forms - sprays, sticks, roll-ons and paints, and are different from deodorants. The former affect the production of sweat while the latter only disguise the unpleasant odor.

7. Choose a non-fragranced aluminum salt antiperspirant, which has 10-25% alcohol content. When applying, after a shower, and just before going to bed, make sure that the skin is dry. Wash it off in the morning. Use it for several consecutive nights and then you can taper it down to one or twice a week. If you find the antiperspirant irritating your skin, you can apply hydrocortisone cream.

8. For mild hyperhidrosis, you may find talcum powder and corn starch powder effective. Apply in between skin folds and toes to absorb the sweat.

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