Treating Hyperhidrosis

Friday, March 6, 2009

Treating Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is caused by a dysfunction in the sympathetic nerve chain. A patient suffering from hyperhidrosis will find himself sweating beyond the physiological need of the body to maintain a regulated temperature. The Body parts most commonly affected are the hands (Palmer Hyperhidrosis), feet (Planter Hyperhidrosis), face (erthrophobia), and armpits (axillary sweating). Experts have found that there is in fact a genetic component in this condition.

In about 40% of the cases there is a family history of hyperhidrosis although not everyone knows of a family member who suffers from this ailment. In cases here there is no family history, the patient may be the first to carry these genes. Regrettably, hyperhidrosis is a life long condition and does not go away without treatment.

Surgical Options

There have been significant advancements in the treatments available to overcome hyperhidrosis. Earlier, surgery to treat this condition was complicated and considered risky. Today, a procedure called Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS) is available to patients, which claims to offer a life-long solution. This is a minimally invasive procedure done, as the name suggests, endoscopically, on the spinal sympathetic nerves.

It is performed on an outpatient basis, which means that the patient returns home the same day. It is extremely precise and the complication rate is very low.

There are two methods –cutting and clamping. In the former the nerve is cut, either by electric cautery, or a harmonic scalpel (ultrasound device). In the latter the segment of the nerve that is causing the problem is clamped with titanium clips. The clamping method is reversible while the cutting method is not.

Although it considerably reduces sweating in the armpits and palms, the effect may not be permanent. The reason for recurrence is not known. It could be due to re-growth of the nerve that has been clamped. Also, the patient may develop compensatory hyperhidrosis in other parts of the body. Post procedure, the patient may also develop dryness and an unfavorable skin warmness. It is not recommended for patients suffering from Planter Hyperhidrosis as it may impede sexual functions of the body. Read about ETS Negative Effect.

Non –Surgical Options

There are also non-surgical treatments for hyperhidrosis. These include BOTOX® lotions, pills, electronic devices, acupuncture, anti-anxiety medications, beta blockers, biofeedback, and herbal medicines.

Oral Medication: Similar to those used to treat peptic ulcer, these anticholinergic medications such as Robinul, Ditropan® and Pro-banthine®, have limited success. Side-effects include blurry vision and dryness in the mouth.

Beta Blockers: are helpful, but not suitable for people with asthma or vascular diseases.

Electronic devices: Drionic is an electric machine that uses iontophoresis to reduce the production of sweat. A weak electrical current is passed across the hands which are soaked in water. This treatment needs to be done on a regular basis, although success rate is limited.

BOTOX®: This is a short-term treatment for hyperhidrosis, its effects lasting for only three to six months. It is becoming increasingly popular for treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis. However, its use for treating sweaty palms and soles has not been approved by the FDA. You may need local or general anesthesia, as these injections can be quite painful.

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The Problem of Underarm Sweating Can Destroy Your Social Life in a Jiffy

If you are facing the problem of excessive underarm sweating, you should take immediate steps to rectify the condition.

The first that you should take is to determine whether the problem is a medical one or whether the problem is related to poor personal hygiene. If the latter reason is true, then you should take immediate steps to improve your personal hygiene. Poor personal hygiene is believed to be one of the causes of the disease commonly known as axillary hyperhidrosis. If you do not want you sweat glands to perpetually function in the 'On' position, you had better pay attention to your personal hygiene.

If you maintain your body well but continue to face the problem of excessive underarm sweating, you may be suffering from the disorder of axillary hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis may either be primary or secondary in nature.

Secondary hyperhidrosis takes place as a reaction to any other medical problem or medication. This may be good news as the chances are high that the excessive sweating may stop once your condition improves or once you go off the medication.

However, if you are not suffering from any disease or problem and yet continue to suffer from abnormal sweating, you may be suffering from primary hyperhidrosis, which is a medical condition by itself.

The problem of underarm sweating leads to certain peculiar problems. Excessive sweating of different body parts leads to different problems.

Excessive head sweating makes it impossible to conceal the problem. Immediate remedies have to be implemented to ensure that the problem remains under control. Excessive sweating in legs and feet makes it very difficult to walk and move. Socks and shoes become wet with the sweat and smell a lot. Further, mobility becomes restricted and the person's gait and posture is also affected. Further, the fact that the feet are enclosed in damp cloth increases the risk of infections.

In case of excessive underarm sweating, the problem of body odor becomes very acute. The bacteria residing in the armpits lead to body odor. Excessive underarm sweating makes it very difficult to control the body odor. This makes it very difficult for the patient to function in society. Meeting people, talking to people, going out with friends, sitting in a meeting- all these tasks become very difficult if one is always conscious about one's body odor.

Further, the person finds it impossible to function in the same pair of clothes for long. By mid day, the shirt becomes completely drenched. Even if the person manages to dry the shirt, the stains make it impossible to continue wearing the shirt. Even a mid day shower does not help as the sweat continues to flow and ooze out of the body.

A host of remedies are available in the world of medicine to cure underarm sweating. However, no remedy can claim to cure the disorder on a universal basis. Even surgery is not infallible. There are instances where even surgical cure has not worked.

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Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Hyperhidrosis can be found in many different forms and although it can affect any area of the skin the most common types of Hyperhidrosis are: palmar, axillary, facial of pedal Hyperhidrosis.

Finding the cure - medication

Hyperhidrosis can be treated both with medical drugs and through surgery. People suffering from this disease can try topical anti-perspirants, like aluminum chloride or Drysol, oral medicines such as glycoprrolate or Robinol, amitriptyline, even Botox. When used regularly, medical treatment can decrease the problem, cure it for a short period of time but can also have important side effects. This is why its advisable to consult your doctor regarding your drug treatment. The main issue here is that since medical drug treatment require long term dosages and continuous drug treatment, this also leads to side effects. Natural hyperhidrosis treatments are also available (such as herbal anitperspirants or acupuncture) but they are almost ineffective on aggravated excessive sweat cases – you can find out more about this on

Surgery for Hyperhidrosis

Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy is the most common hyperhidrosis surgical procedure. Also known as ETS, this type of surgery is mostly used to treat axillary hyperhidrosis, combating underarm sweat. There are three different ways in which the Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy surgical procedure can be performed:

• ETS, or sympathectomy by clamping, is a procedure in which the nerve activity is interrupted by applying a clamp on them.

• Sympathetic nerve resection is a different procedure, where the nerves are cut in specific areas. This may be effective in some cases, but it is a permanent operation and cannot be reversed.

• Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy by cutting removes the majority of the nerves responsible for excessive sweating, and the effects are permanent.

Tips to combat excessive sweating

1. As a patient of hyperhidrosis you may find your clothing becoming damp and giving off an unpleasant odor. You will probably be spending several hours a day dealing with the excessive sweating -- wiping, re-freshening, showering, bathing, and washing clothes. Repeated washing and use of deodorizing soaps can alleviate the problem but an overuse of these soaps can also cause dermatitis. It would be advisable to choose a cleanser that is 100% soap free.

2. As you may need to change your clothes several times a day, it is advisable to wear loose fitting garments tailored in materials that do not stain easily.

3. Try to keep the folds between the skin, like under the neck, as dry as possible to avoid skin problems.

4. If you suffer from Planter Hyperhidrosis (hyperhidrosis affecting the soles of the feet) you may find that your feet develop an unpleasant smell and are prone to secondary skin infections. You can purchase absorbent shoe insoles, but do replace these frequently. Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes two days in a row.

5. You will also find that your shoes get damaged quite easily. To increase their life span, you should leave them out to dry.

6. Using antiperspirants will give you some relief from the displeasing odors. Antiperspirants come in many forms - sprays, sticks, roll-ons and paints, and are different from deodorants. The former affect the production of sweat while the latter only disguise the unpleasant odor.

7. Choose a non-fragranced aluminum salt antiperspirant, which has 10-25% alcohol content. When applying, after a shower, and just before going to bed, make sure that the skin is dry. Wash it off in the morning. Use it for several consecutive nights and then you can taper it down to one or twice a week. If you find the antiperspirant irritating your skin, you can apply hydrocortisone cream.

8. For mild hyperhidrosis, you may find talcum powder and corn starch powder effective. Apply in between skin folds and toes to absorb the sweat.


Sweaty Palms Easy Remedies

If you think there are no easy way to cure Sweaty Palms think again. Here are some easy ways to cure or minimize palm sweating.

You might be thinking my title is about how to make money online, and i am talking about sweaty palms easy remedies. Well, as i have mentioned in my previous post my topics are all around, things that are helpful to others. This is a Tip and Tricks post, part of my subtitle.

Today we will talk about this nasty disgusting and embarassing sweaty palms, which destroys our social life, and make some tasks hard for us to deal with. Why do i say us? yup, because i am also experiencing this torture. Sweaty Palms,Palmar Hyperhidrosis or Excessive Palms Sweating can affect both life's functionality and socially. Usually begins at childhood and gets more worse in teenager years and so on. Tired of getting embarrassed with your partner in dance, you love one while holding palms with him/her, your fellows when shaking hands with them then try this remedies that do not cost anything and can be found in your house.

Well i have here some some easy remedies to remove or minimize the sweating of our palms. This remedies are homemade or natural and can be found anywhere. This are based on personal advice from people that experienced sweaty palms also.

1. Salt and Alum in Hot or Mild water- Put the Hot Water in a container (where you can put your palms in) and add a generous amount of salt and alum in the water mix it well . Put your palms in the hot water for about 15 minutes or more then dry your palms with a towel. Do this two times a day to lessen sweating.

2. If your palms are just sweating mildly, rub underarm antiperspirant in your palms in a circular motion. But if you will do this make sure you are okay with the antiperspirant's smell in your palms. I suggest try this first alone when you are in your house and observed yourself if it is okay with you. use an aluminum-based antiperspirant rather than deodorant.

3. Boil five tea bags in a quart of water for 10 minutes. When the solution cools, soak your palms for 20 to 30 minutes nightly. Tea contains tannic acid, which is also found in commercial products such as Ivy Dry, Zilactol and Zilactin. Tea bags can also be held in the palm for 10-15 minutes daily to reduce perspiring palms.

4. Medical Alcohols are also effective, rub alcohol in your palms either directly or put it in a cotton. Preferably with 40% solution, it will absorb moisture and lessen hand sweating.

5. Sage tea, drinking this will lessen your problem. Because it has Zinc which minimizes perspiration and body odor. My advice is not to use this in a long term manner for it may interfere with copper absorption.

6. Managing and controlling you stress and anxiety, sometimes sweaty palms occur by just thinking of it that it will sweat. Change the way you think have confident and your sweaty palms will not occur. Because sometimes thinking that it will occur will make it really occur.

Sweaty palms are very frightening to handle but in today's modern technology and methods, i am sure you can see one that will answer your problems. I hope this tips will help you solve what i am also experiencing.


Sweaty Palms

Sweaty Palms

Sweaty palms are a condition that people live with each and every day. In a report done ten years ago, it is believed that 28 million people in the world suffer from sweaty palms. More than half of people who diagnosed with this condition are done so before their ninth birthday. Is there a cure? There is not sure fire cure. Doctors are finding more ways to treat the problem so the people it affects can live without the embarrassment and shame that can sometimes accompany the aliment.

There are many different kinds of treatments out there. They include pill (oral) medication, lotion medication, and even Botox. All of these treatments, a few have separated themselves from the pack as the most effective.

If you're one of those people who don't want anything to do with surgery, no matter how minor or major, there are still some effective ways to find a cure or sweaty palms.

Iontophoresis is a method many people who suffer from sweaty palms and considering or going ahead with. It is the process where electric shock is applied to your palms while submerged in water. While the palms are submerged, the combination of electricity and water is intended to slow down and even eliminate the production of perspiration.

Endoscopic surgery has come to be the most popular and most successful of all treatment related to the cure of sweaty palms. The surgery includes a series of minimal incisions where tiny cameras are then put into the patient's body via a tube along with some kind of lighting device. Each incision usually doesn't exceed a ½ inch. Most times, these incisions are made in the chest area. Recovery time is excellent as most patients are able to head home the same day and over 90% of patients' report all or most of their issue is solved following the surgery.

If both of these treatments make you nervous and uneasy, talking to someone that shares the issue of sweaty palms can be therapeutic. Chances are you won't have to look far to find someone. Studies have revealed that around 50% of people suffering from this condition have people in their family that suffer from it as well.

At the end of the day, there are many different options for you to cure sweaty palms. The Endoscopic surgery has proved to be the most effective but most expensive. Iontophoresis treatments are extremely simple and non invasive and less risky than the Endoscopic surgery. You can be free of sweaty palms in a day's time. If you are suffering today, you don't have
to suffer tomorrow.


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