
Monday, February 2, 2009

Excessive sweating of the under arms is never a pleasant experience. When we are in the company of an individual who endures such a condition, people around him/her are able to realize the matter in a short span of time. This is simply because excessive sweating of under arms is almost always accompanied by a strong ad unpleasant odor that is described as obnoxious and viewed with resentment.

Hyperhidrosis is a medical term and me not be a common entrant in our vocabulary. However if you are being treated for excessive sweating under arms or extreme underarm perspiration, your medical practioner will refer to it as Hyperhydrosis. Sweat is a gland secretion and occurs in animals and humans. In our body we have particular sweat glands that produce sweat. Apart from excessive sweating under arms, people could be prone to excess sweating of other body parts. This includes the face, hands and feet. This however, does not pose as large a challenge as disproportionate underarm sweating does.

Hyperhidrosis is amongst the most extensive sweating problems one could be facing. If you are dealing with excessive sweating under arms, it is important that you understand the root cause of the problem. This is vital, especially if you are contemplating self treatment. This is because, in most cases, the problem is continuous and progressive. Hence self help may not be adequate to treat excessive sweating under arms and its time you seek professional guidance that can help resolve and control your excessive sweating under arms woes.

Sweat glands that cause sweat emission are known as Sudoriferous. The two known sweat glands that produce sweat are known as eccrine and apocrine. The Eccrine glands are present in almost all parts of the body. In ordinary conditions, they produce a watery emission in imprecise levels. However, in all totality they are not responsible for uncontrollable and excessive sweating under arms. Typically, eccrine glands produce sweat that is odorless. As compared to this, Apocrine glands are bigger and can be found only in specific areas of the human body, such as the armpits and genital skin. Sweat produced by these glands usually travels to the hair shaft around these parts and is transmitted on the hair follicles. In this situation, the hair follicles in fact help conserve the sweat for longer time periods. Subsequently one has to deal with excessive sweating under arms as the sweat is essentially trapped in such regions.

If you are amongst those who are facing Hyperhydrosis, do not lose heart. This is a common phenomenon and occurs in scores of people. What's better is that it can be easily treated. You could argue that most humans experience more sweat excretion in their underarms as compared to many other body parts and this shouldn't call for alarm bells. However detection of excessive sweating under arms can be accomplished if you monitor the intensity of the excess sweat, frequency and odor emission.

When dealing with excessive sweating under arms, you could resort to wearing loose clothes, using antiperspirants, and of increasing water intake. Wearing the right clothes allows your skin to breathe. Our skin comprises of tiny pores, and wearing incorrect clothing over your armpit region, causes sweat production to increase because of unnatural air circulation. Drinking large quantities of water acts helps cleanse the body and in return helps rid excessive sweating under arms odor.

In case you are dealing with acute or advanced stages of excessive sweating of under arms, then professional help can help resolve matters. Tests for sweating imbalances will help your practitioner diagnose correctly and you would be put on prescription drugs for a period of time. This helps control or limit excessive sweating under arms. Your physician will also try and determine if your problem is genetic, psychological, circumstantial or a result of nervous system action.

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