Excessive Sweating - The Problems

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sweating is healthy but sweating excessively can be annoying. Whether we was meeting up with friends, on a date, giving a presentation, or just relaxing at home, our sweat problem managed to ruin our day some way or another. While it certainly didn't have any dangerous impact on our health, it just made life miserable.

People with excessive sweating (known as hyperhidrosis) doing a little tricks to hide away this problem, it's tired and a never ending story to say....

Wore black almost every day because it doesn't show the sweat marks and stain as bad.

Tried wearing multiple layers of clothing to prevent the sweat from reaching and showing on outer layer of clothing.

Always sit opposite a window on windy days.

Try to cool your body down by stand briefly in front of air conditioner.

Took showers multiple times a day, and even washed underarms during work breaks.

Spare one or more towels in your desk drawer to wipe off sweat from your face and your body.
Passed over many social invitations and events....

A lot of people with excessive sweating had tried to improved this situation using antiperspirants (even prescription antiperspirants), deodorants, pill, lotion, and expensive treatment like botox, liposuction, ultrasound and ETS surgery but it seems like its didn't work!

In 2003, ETS was banned in its birthplace, Sweden, due to overwhelming complaints by disabled patients. In 2004, Taiwanese health authorities banned the procedure on patients under 20 years of age.

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